Here Is What Dasha & Emily Had To Say About Their Time In The Bachy Mansion
Last night we saw the Honey Badger dump two more ladies: Dasha and Emily.
Both made initial connections with our boi, but both also experienced some awkward solo time where the conversation just didn’t seem to be flowin’.
We chatted to both Dasha and Emily about their time in the house, and here’s what they had to say:
On their connections with Nick:

Dasha: “He was never fully opening up, but again it’s hard to judge because that could just be him being himself. I opened up to him and revealed some massive secrets [after the obstacle challenge] and he seemed to take it light-heartedly, which is why I didn’t continue with more secrets about myself.
I gave this whole experience my full self and that’s why I showed him a photo of Leon [Dasha’s son]. I wanted to give him 100% and remind him that my life is different to the other girls in the house.”

Emily: “I really liked him. There was enough [on our dates] for me to think ‘yep, we have a connection, it hasn’t fizzled out’. Otherwise I would’ve left.
It’s really tricky and confusing and before my first date I was like, ‘if I’m not the one, you gotta let me go,’ but we opened up and we were very compatible when it came to love and what we expect in a relationship. He’s a funny guy, and he’s good at general banter but I was there to find out the nitty-gritty.”
On the awkward silences they both encountered on their dates:

Dasha: “It was definitely edited to be more awkward. We had a 50-minute long conversation, we both touched on being a perfectionist. We even kissed at the end of the date!”

Emily: “Classic stitch up! I had so much fun, it did come across awkward but it wasn’t like that the whole time. We did get a really good conversation in, and it was enough to make me think ‘oh we could grow something here’. We shared a kiss. But I have no idea why he asked me about the hair curling!”
On the other ladies:

Dasha: “I had so much compassion towards the other girls. I walked away with my ego not being hurt at all, but I know with some of the girls it definitely would’ve taken a toll. I was upset to see Shannon go, I had spent a good 20 minutes in the bathroom with her, I just didn’t want her to go home thinking there was something wrong with her.”
Emily: “We were all so open with each other and we’re all really tight and had each other’s backs. It’s crazy to think because we were all there dating the same guy! But it’s important to support women and they’ve ended up being phenomenal friends.”
On who they think will win:

Dasha: “A few times I caught him looking at Sophie in a certain way that he doesn’t look at anyone else. But I have no idea who will win! There are so many different scenarios right now.”
Emily: “The rumours have been so loose. I’m a bit embarrassed, to be honest, you’d think being a contestant on the show I’d have an idea, but I really don’t! The girls are being super quiet and I’m also reading all these rumours and it’s put my head in a spin. I hope he chooses the right person for him, but the four girls left are all so deserving and stunning.”