Confused Prankster Throws Two Chickens Into A Sydney Train & Runs Away

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A loose unit, possibly on some top secret mission to insert farm animals into everyday situations, has thrown two chickens inside a crowded peak-hour train carriage in Sydney…before disappearing into the night. Ummmm. WTF.

The confused man threw the chickens onto a train at Mascot station on Tuesday night, before quickly fleeing. “He just dumped them,” a woman told 7 News.

As the two v. deadly chickens were thrown aboard, commuters couldn’t be more terrified by the uninvited guests; likely looking for blood (and chook feed).

Not really. In reality, it was actually two rather adorbs fluffy chickens, believed to be a white silky and Rhode Island red breed. It’s the not-so-scary sequel to last week’s ‘Snakes on a Train’.

Throughout the journey, the chickens reportedly wandered around the train, which was sure to bemuse the many tourists on board. But that’s ‘STRAYA for you. Chickens catch trains.


Eventually the fluff balls were picked up by a couple, who held on to the birds until the train arrived at Central station and handed the little troopers over to station staff.

Here’s the clip via Seven News:

We should just thank our lucky stars at least it wasn’t this monster chicken or this could be a MUCH different story…