There’s A Confused American Peter Dutton Being Sent Hateful Tweets By Aussies
It’s not a great day to be called Peter Dutton.
After the Immigration Minister said some fucking offensive comments yesterday, stating that refugees were largely “innumerate and illiterate” and stole jobs from locals, the nation has done what it does best – unite against total, utter bullshit.
As to be expected, people have been tweeting their feelings about those comments to Minister Dutton HOWEVER many of those tweets have been directed to the the Twitter handle @PeterDutton rather than @PeterDutton_MP and this poor New Yorker is being greeted with non-stop nasty and confusing tweets vilifying his good name.
The poor dude only has around 300 followers and has become public enemy no.1 for us Aussies.
I'd be mad at the people who have to be detained, then, instead of some guy in New York.
— peterdutton (@peterdutton) May 18, 2016
Still, it's mind-boggling that so many people just *assume* a Twitter address instead of actually looking it up.
— peterdutton (@peterdutton) May 19, 2016
@LegacyOfJack You both have thousands of followers. You really should feel obligated to be more careful in your tweets.
— peterdutton (@peterdutton) May 19, 2016
I'm actually finding this oddly fascinating.
— peterdutton (@peterdutton) May 19, 2016
Header via AAP.