CONFIRMED: Bachy In Paradise’s Ali Oetjen Is Australia’s 2018 Bachelorette
Well, that was a bloody curveball! At the end of tonight’s nailbiting episode of Bachelor In Paradise, we found out that not only did Grant and Ali break up but Ali is Australia’s next Bachelorette.
We didn’t see that one coming. Ali has told the media that she hopes third times a charm, saying:
“I have had my heart broken, but I’ve picked myself up and I’m ready to put my heart on the line again. I’m absolutely thrilled to start this new adventure”
There’s just so much to process!
Ali says,
“I’m looking for a man who is light-hearted and kind, a genuine and down-to-earth man who will sweep me off my feet and love me for me.
And I’m looking forward to offering that love back to him in return.”
Ali left paradise with Grant but the two split up after Ali moved to California. We reckon the bachy OG deserves another shot at love.
The Daily Mail reported the rumour that Lisa Hyde was, in fact, our new bachy which was going to be announced on tonight’s ep of The Project. We waited with baited breath for the announcement but it turns out maybe all that was a distraction for what Ten actually had planned.
We couldn’t be more thrilled for Ali! You go gurl!