Fun Things To Do With Your M8s If You’re Competitive AF

Like your local, only better.
Nothing brings people together quite like an opportunity to face off in a friendly battle for ultimate bragging rights, right? Yes that’s 100% right.
Anyone who relishes the sweet, sweet taste of competition knows that the best kind of bonding involves winning with a side of friendly sledging. It’s the perfect recipe for a good time (unless you lose, in which case, sorry?)
Sure, sure. ‘Hanging out’ is fine(ish). Chatting over dinner is an OK plan. And movie nights aren’t tired at all, except that they absolutely are and you can do BETTER. So rally your crew and get around some activities that will really spice things up.
For everyone with a competitive streak or anyone just keen for some ruthless (but wholesome!) bonding activities, we’ve rounded some pastimes that should sort you out.
#1 Karaoke
Ok I know what you’re thinking – “Karaoke isn’t a competition! It’s just friendly sing-a-long fun where everybody wins!” This is objectively false. This is just a myth we tell those without a flair for the performing arts to make them feel better about losing.
The great thing about Karaoke, though, is that everyone has a good time. It’s impossible to not have fun when you’re empowered shouting along to bangers together.
Just remember to be clear when it’s time for your solo performance and they need to kindly keep quiet and listen to you absolutely demolish ‘The Climb’ by Miley Cyrus. THAT is how you win.
#2 Bowling
Lean into the world of retro team sports for a night at the bowling alley. There’s nothing like a vintage-style victory to mix things up, be it date night, school holidays, some friendly workplace bonding or a birthday party.
Bowling’s numerical system allows for a much more explicit competition, and with that, much more explicit winners and losers. Yay.
You can play a one-on-one game for a more ~intimate~ evening or splice your crew into teams and let the (friendly) sledging commence. Remember to play fair, use the balls wisely, and shout the loser a burger or a drink when you’re done.
#3 Table Tennis
Where there is a ping pong table, there is a victor waiting to be crowned. Whether you’re playing singles, doubles or are simply spectating, this is some high-intensity competitive action we’ve got on our hands.
Table tennis is a game of skill. It is a battle of precision. And it is tournament of the minds. Beware the underdog and proceed with caution and conviction.
#4 Laser Tag
To really get the heart rate up, immerse yourself into the warfare-like world of laser tag. Fact: it is impossible to not get carried away once the battle commences. It’s as close as you can get to playing an IRL video game and it may bring out a warrior that you didn’t know you had in you.
Let it happen.
And if you think that laser tag doesn’t have the potential for romantic connection, think again my friend. Fighting for your life and flirting go hand in hand on the battle field.
#5 Escape Room
Taking on the challenge of an escape room is an activity that will bind your team together as you fight against The Man/The Machine/The Makers of the Escape Room. You must forge your collective intellectual prowess to GTFO before time runs out.
With the web of riddles and tricks set for you, it’s kinda like being in Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, except with more snacks and less near-death experiences. Choose your team wisely and gear up for the challenge.
(Lead image: 20th Century Fox)
Kingpin has something for everyone, from laser tag and bowling to food and drinks – it’s like your local, only better.