Your Childhood Second Home ‘Timezone’ Is Making A Comeback In A Big Way
Having spent endless hours as a kid stationed at a claw machine, furiously attempting (and failing) to win a Simba plush toy, Timezone became a second home for me and for thousands of Aussie kids growing up in the pre-iPhone/iPad/iLife era.
While the heyday of the gaming arcade might be seemingly over – and finding a nearby Timezone is now as difficult as landing a big horn in Big Buck Hunter – news on the block tells us that Timezone is heading for a comeback in a big way.

As reported by SMH, the iconic game parlour is planning to double its venues across Australia and Asia. Timezone currently has 186 stores worldwide, with eight in New Zealand, eight in Singapore, 25 in India, 50 in the Philippines and 70 stores in Indonesia.
Last year, five new venues were opened across Oz and there are more to be announced. The new arcades are expected to offer more than just pinball machines and shooting games. A new look Timezone concept opened at Pacific Werribee in Melbourne which boasted lasertag, bowling among other larger gameplay.
Hopefully, they ditch the claw machines too and save a lot of broken hearts.