Cheyne From ‘The Bachelorette’ Said He Saw A ‘Different Side’ Of Paddy
We’ve done it. We’ve survived the first week of The Bachelorette!
A few things of note have happened: We may have a new Jarrod, Ali is going in for a few sneaky pashes (and I am loving her just GETTING IT), and Paddy seems like every guy from high school that asked if you could send him tit pics.

Last night Cheyne got eliminated, and while we didn’t get to spend much time with him and his hair, Punkee did chat to him about his experience on the show. And Cheyne reckons Paddy ain’t that bad IRL.

On Charlie interrupting Cheyne’s time with Ali:

“I had a bit of time with Ali. I had a good 10 minutes and we got what we wanted from each other so I wasn’t too upset. I was more upset because I had arranged with Todd to come in after 10 minutes, he needed to talk to her too, and Charlie kinda just came in.
I felt that Charlie should have let Todd have a go, I didn’t mind he was taking time from me. But Paddy wasn’t happy that he was cutting our grass. That episode showed Paddy properly, as more of a stand-up dude who thinks everyone should have a fair go.”
On Paddy:

“I think he just got a bit too excited on the first night. I got to see the real Paddy. The best way to describe Paddy is when I came in with my entrance, I had bagpipes playing and I did all my stuff and I got inside and Paddy comes up to me first thing, shakes my hand and goes, ‘Thank you mate, that was the most beautiful thing, I haven’t heard bagpipes since my grandpa died’ and we had a good chat.”
On the chaotic first cocktail party:

“It was even more chaotic than what it came across. How the scenes were chopping and changing on the show, was exactly how it felt! We didn’t know how much time we had to talk to Ali and everyone was just trying to get time.”
On Charlie’s infatuation:

“It wasn’t as intense in person, but how he portrayed it was that he was there for the right reasons, he had fallen in love. Their date looked bloody scary, I think the scariness of their date fast-tracked it a bit.”
On his elimination:
“There were a couple of factors, she wants the white picket fence and I wasn’t into that. In the end I wasn’t unhappy about leaving, we weren’t wasting each other’s time.”
On who will win Ali’s heart:

“Bill is such a lovely dude. He’s just so nice.”