The ‘Cats’ Trailer Has Broken The Internet & The Memes Are Meow-nificient
Who would have thought that dropping the trailer for the movie adaption of Cats would cause the entire internet to implode, but here we are.
The film boasts an incredible cast including Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, Idris Elba, James Corden, Taylor Swift and err… Jason Derulo. But what’s got folks on Twitter talking is how weird the cats appear in the trailer — like some kind of feline/human mutant nightmare. They also have tails coming out from inside their butts.
Found the most upsetting frame of the 'Cat's trailer, whoever is head of tail placement needs to go to jail pic.twitter.com/8socOKqEMU
— Cam Williams (@MrCamW) July 18, 2019
The trailer has pretty much broken Twitter and the memes are spectacular.
If you’re still keen to watch the entire movie (guilty!), Cats will hit Aussie cinemas later this year on December 20.
Until then, here are 25 purr-fect memes about the Cats trailer:
when you see the cats trailer pic.twitter.com/n3RWaSv7P6
— Megan Farokhmanesh (@Megan_Nicolett) July 18, 2019
You Vs The Cat She Told You Not To Worry About. #CatsMovie pic.twitter.com/pX58KPrsf4
— Michael (@DudeVnDudestein) July 18, 2019
Therapist: Nightmare James Corden Cat isn't real. It can't hurt you.
Nightmare James Corden Cat: pic.twitter.com/zqTOA8TG2g— Mitch Feltscheer (@mitchfel) July 18, 2019
my therapist: Jason Derulo cat isn’t real he can’t hurt you
Jason Derulo cat: pic.twitter.com/oCuea5Gm7q
— nico ? (@fkanico) July 18, 2019
if Jason Derulo doesn’t sing his name before he sings in cats, is he even Jason Derulo
— ? Becca Farrow ? (@rfarrowster) July 18, 2019
in a way, i'm glad grumpy cat never had to see this
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) July 18, 2019
cats (2019) pic.twitter.com/Gx6v0bv66f
— out of context brooklyn nine nine?️? (@nocontxt99) July 18, 2019
— NOT A WOLF (@SICKOFWOLVES) July 18, 2019
The best movie about cats was already made everyone else stand down (except maybe “Keanu”) pic.twitter.com/Q39Ly5tSEv
— Deborah Kaplan (@RealDebKaplan) July 18, 2019
hey cats movie i love you and its one thing when cats is on broadway and theyre cat people but when u have the technology to make them not cat people, make them not cat people.
— Elsie Fisher (@ElsieKFisher) July 18, 2019
The Lion King (2019) Cats (2019)
Explaining how it’s
Important that
CGI animals
Actually look like
Animals pic.twitter.com/CTT1r5mPLd— Blake (@TheBlakeBagu) July 18, 2019
I don't know why you're all freaking out over miniature yet huge cats with human celebrity faces and sexy breasts performing a demented dream ballet for kids.
— Louis Virtel (@louisvirtel) July 18, 2019
the judy dench cat wears a fur coat. but is her coat made of cats? or is her flesh made of coat? she screams, for she does not know pic.twitter.com/SDTMfe434p
— erin chack (@ErinChack) July 18, 2019
Cats graphics design studio: What if we made it look like the Grinch fucked Sonic the Hedgehog and had a litter?
— Katelyn Burns (@transscribe) July 18, 2019
Cats (2019) pic.twitter.com/RCE83Zdrd0
— Míkey @ buff stuff (@vashperado) July 18, 2019
CATS (2019) pic.twitter.com/4rfyOvSCqF
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) July 18, 2019
Cats (2019) pic.twitter.com/KCjGhV6gsa
— Rob Stott (@Rob_Stott) July 18, 2019
Cats (2019) pic.twitter.com/IDPUv73Hso
— zadora (@stonesmatter) July 18, 2019
Ya’ll: “ThE LiONs DoNt EVeN LoOk EXPreSsiVe”
CATS: pic.twitter.com/u0maZdJlYk
— JOHNNY SIBILLY (@JohnnySibilly) July 18, 2019
Disney: You see, the problem with the Lion King is that it’s impossible to make photo realistic looking animals emote human emotions
Cats: yeah what you need is some kind of abomination.
— Jordan Raskopoulos (@JordanRasko) July 18, 2019
He could turn into all sorts of animals. But now he never gets the faces right. pic.twitter.com/ZLy7xInBJw
— brad esposito ? (@bradesposito) July 18, 2019
so get this: it's about a bunch of cats, and every single one of them looks absolutely fucked
— thomas violence (@thomas_violence) July 18, 2019
Why do the cats have boobs
— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) July 18, 2019
before and after watching the cats trailer pic.twitter.com/oka7sldGgw
— Dan Douglas (@dandouglas) July 18, 2019
This is more accurate to how I feel about the Cats trailer. pic.twitter.com/CoDdFe0mnU
— Troy Iwata (@mrtroyiwata) July 18, 2019
I truly can’t wait for this shitshow.
Cats is going to be the greatest movie of all time
— Megan Amram (@meganamram) July 18, 2019