6 Times MTV’s ‘Catfish’ Taught Us An Important Lesson In Online Dating
Now well into its seventh season, MTV’s Catfish is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
It has everything a trashy reality show needs: multiple shitty camera angles, people getting ~exposed~ and (most importantly) it stars totally real people who aren’t at all paid actors.

The show has delivered some iconic moments over the years, as its hosts Nev Schulman and Max Joseph travel across the United States to bring together hopeless romantics and the suss-as-fuck strangers they’ve been chatting to online.
Amid the drama, shocking discoveries, and heartache Catfish has actually provided some pretty solid dating advice that you can follow to find yourself a significant other.

So if you’re trying to find a date, we’ve got the answers, bby.
1. Don’t Punch Too Far Above Your Weight
We’re not saying to not have standards, because they’re important to ensure you don’t set yourself up with a garbage person. But c’mon… if you’re a self-confessed 5 trying to snag a 10, chances are you’re going to have a shitty time.
If you’re only swiping right on glamour models on Tinder and getting sad when you don’t cop any matches when in your pic you’re wearing a singlet and footy shorts, smashing a dart and holding a tinnie of VB, you might want to reassess your plan of attack (and life choices).
Never forget the guy from season 5 who thought he was in a six-year relationship with Katy Perry. Ooft.

2. Trust Your Gut
If you’ve been chatting to someone online who seems a bit suss, ask yourself: why that might be?
Do they have just one pic that looks like the kind that comes when you buy a photo frame? Are they constantly making up excuses to get out of seeing you?
Do they say they’re a 21-year-old surfer dude from the Gold Coast, but you’ve got an inkling they might be a 67-year-old man from Florida?
Keep notes on what you’re gut’s telling you. Chances are it’s right.

3. Don’t Call Someone A Fat-Ass Kelly Price
You might recall the GLORIOUS episode where someone’s cousin pretended to be their love interest to fuck with their life, all because they called them a “fat-ass Kelly Price” one time.
So, ya know… just avoid calling people that at all costs.
It’s a calculated risk. You can talk shit about people, but just be aware that there’s a real chance they will enact their revenge by ways of catfishing you online.

4. Pay Attention To Red Flags
In a world where anyone can easily hide their true identity online, it’s important to be able to identify and pick up on red flags.
If it seems to good to be true, it probably is. If the hottie you’re DMing won’t call, FaceTime or meet up with you, ask why. Just like, don’t get catfished, you guys. There is literally no reason for you to get catfished.
Unless of course you are trying to get a cameo on the show Catfish in that case, go for it.

5. Ask Your Mates For Advice
Don’t be a fool, ask a mate what they reckon about your new Tinder flame.
It’s so easy to just avoid the alarm bells and tell yourself that there’s no possible way the person you’re talking to isn’t the person you think they are. So it’s good to get a third-party outsider to assess the situation.
They should be able to decipher whether the person you’re talking to is ~the one~ or is, in fact, trying to lure you into a dark room and harvest your organs.

6. Don’t Be Nev
Anyone who says Nev isn’t a giant jerk is straight-up lying. He sucks, he’s probbo and worst of all, you know he is rude to Catfish sweet boy, Max. So look at him, do the opposite, and you’ll for sure find a date.

Happy dating, ya filthy animals.