5 Things That Definitely Happen When You’re Car Shopping With Your Folks

The official road safety agency of Western Australia.
There are some things in life that you have to suffer through with your parents: most dinners growing up, for example, and the whole pantomime of buying your first car.
No matter who you are, or where or who you buy it from, it will almost definitely involve these five experiences in some way, shape or form.
#1 You All Comment On The Smell
As soon as you crack the driver’s door (with your mum telling the salesperson that you finally got your hours up, after three years, OKAY MUM THAT’S ENOUGH), you all breathe that sweet, sweet interior in and all say, “Oh, doesn’t that smell good?”
The conversation moves toward what kind of air freshener you’re gonna hang from the rear view mirror to mask the strangely comforting old-man smell: will it be that little green broccoli? Or like a fun bubblegum one?
It’s just human nature to point out the smell of a car, new or used (though probably used, in this case), just like whenever you drive past a field of horses, you have to say, “horses” quietly and to yourself.
#2 Mum Is Hyper-Focused On The Number Of Airbags
This is like the Safety Grand Final for mums, where they really get to go overboard with questions:
- “Does it have airbags?”
- “How many?”
- “Is the air in these ones stronger than the air in other ones?”
Meanwhile, you’re looking at the number plate and wondering what cool variation of your name you can fit into six letters. But having your mum/dad/anyone, really, have your back on something as important as airbags is super important when buying your first car.
#3 Dad Checks That “The…Engine System Is…Functional”
Your dad, who you have never, not once, seen pop the hood on a vehicle, is suddenly and inexplicably wearing a pair of overalls and talking to the salesperson about “oil levels” (???) and “the suspension” (?????) while you kind of just stare at the man who couldn’t knock together a shelf in your room last week when you asked him to.
#4 The Ol’ ‘Price Vs Safety’ Dance Starts
Both of your parents are conscious of the shiny $4-$6k they’re dropping on this car, so, for the next 40 minutes you stand idly by while your folks discuss the price-to-safety ratio in the showroom. Buying a cheap car does not necessarily mean compromising on your safety. Your parents know this! Get involved!
#5 You Force Your Folks To Take The ‘Car With Bow On It’ Pic
Let’s say that the day is a success and now it is time for the post that pushes you up and over 100 likes mark: the I-have-a-new-car-with-a-bow-on-it post, where your new purchase has this massive ribbon on it, and you stand off to the right, sometimes with your arms in the air, and on one leg, smiling sheepishly. You know the one?
There’s a lot of decisions to be made when selecting your first car. Visit How Safe Is Your First Car? to find out more.
This article is supported by the WA Road Safety Commission