This Dude Cannonballing Onto A Frozen Trampoline Is The Most Satisfying Thing We’ve Seen Today
In what we can only hope is a sport soon to be added to the Winter Olympics, this slow-mo footage of a cannonball onto a frozen trampoline is some spectacular fan-viewing.
Youtuber Michelle McNew uploaded the clip that shows her son jumping off a ledge on to his mate’s backyard tramp. The cannonball itself is initially a 6 out of 10 on the technique-front. Great launch but points deducted for feet-separation and poor tuck.
However, it’s the landing that upgrades this to a 10-outta-10 performance. In this satisfying AF slow-mo, you can see the tension in the ice form, before shattering into a thousand tiny pieces around young’in McNew’s body. It’s awesome.