Brad Pitt’s First Post-Divorce Interview & Photoshoot Was Weird AF
Overnight Brad Pitt’s first post-Brangelina interview with GQ Magazine hit the stands. And, oh boy, who could have anticipated what was to come?!
Brad’s spread in the men’s magazine, featured a slew of strange aka v. artsy photos. Having the actor wriggle around as an earth worm, and tumble down a sand dune like a bag of potatoes because #heapsartsy. But the pics were only the beginning, some of the quotes the journo pulled out for the feature were frankly just weird AF.

Here’s a few of the stranger excerpts from the GQ article:
There’s a bit where he wishes he could change his name, like how Snoop Dogg became Snoop Lion, venting “I just feel like fucking Brad”. That’s cos you are Brad, kiddo.
Brad Pitt is tired of being Brad Pitt pic.twitter.com/O6gnJeEEx8
— Morgan A Baila (@morganbaila) May 3, 2017
He went on to say that he gets comfort when he: “make a fire”.
brad pitt sounds like hansel from zoolander https://t.co/PBmFSveRVP pic.twitter.com/2L1TZClrhG
— sarah hagi (@geekylonglegs) May 3, 2017
Brad, make fire. He make fire good. Then he feel life in house. Fire make house feel life.
Okay, what is he on about?!?
The worst part of the interview? There was some seriously cringe-worthy statements made about African women. Like, just STAHP Brad. Pls stahp.
Brad Pitt "gets R&B" now pic.twitter.com/GjjqakluEA
— Tomi Obaro (@TomiObaro) May 3, 2017
Then there was this nugget.
i want to know so much more about how brad pitt [gestured] in this momenthttps://t.co/65C3ItsKgg pic.twitter.com/1pFjO6r9l2
— Tim Marcin (@TimMarcin) May 3, 2017
On to the photo series, shit just got weird. Wot u doin, Brad?
Things have been tough for Brad Pitt since Angelina got gravity in the divorce. pic.twitter.com/pUz8XrioFf
— Matt Fernandez (@FattMernandez) May 3, 2017
But dw, as there were more than enough lols to be made. This is a personal fave.
Brad Pitt looks like he about to drop the biggest R&B banger. pic.twitter.com/rvkF9j6umm
— Random J (@_RandomJ_) May 3, 2017
And this.
Brad Pitt posing for GQ looks like an actual Saturday Night Live sketch about Brad Pitt posing for GQ. pic.twitter.com/VZijMX7chv
— Jamie Woodham (@jwoodham) May 3, 2017
What a spectacular human vessel.
mood board: Brad Pitt at National Parks pic.twitter.com/3v4BcWQW49
— Morgan A Baila (@morganbaila) May 3, 2017
Thank you Brad. Thank you. Not since Benjamin Button have we seen such an exquisite evolution of man.