The N64 GoldenEye Remake You Always Wanted Is Here And It’s Available RN For Free
It’s time to give-up your social life. A team of dedicated fans have recreated the classic Nintendo 64 game ‘GoldenEye 007‘ for PC. The best part is, it’s totally free and available right now!
The group have spent 10 years developing the mod, known as GoldenEye: Source, aiming to create a faithful recreation of all your childhood memories and a total gaming masterpiece. Unfortunately, at this stage, there’s no single-player mode included in the remake, but it comes with 10 different multiplayer modes to relive your glory days.
The remake of the game takes Goldeneye to a whole new level, having been developed using the Valve Source engine, the same set of tools that Counter Strike and Half-Life are built on. The end result is refined gameplay, high definition graphics and a redesign on the original game’s 28 weapons. The new version will also feature 25 recreated maps and an all new soundtrack. It’s 1997 gaming, with a 2016 twist.
Get excited, but just watch out for them proximity mines. Get the free download here.
WATCH: Goldeneye Source 5.0 Is The N64 Remake You Always Wanted