HUZZAH: John From ‘Married At First Sight’ Has Just Scored A Second Chance At Lurve
This week on “Married at First Sight Australia”, some couples switched or reluctantly stayed together – but one partnership finally came to its expected end. John and Deborah.
We all knew it was coming – John and Deborah’s arranged marriage seemed doomed from the very beginning. In the end, John pulled the trigger and ended things, while his wife strangely persisted that maybe they could work through it.
This came after Deborah treated John terribly their entire honeymoon. Spending her days picking on all his apparent ‘flaws’ – you know, smoking, drinking, breathing, etc – and never letting him forget he’s not Polynesian.
Seriously, what was her deal with that?!?
In the commitment ceremony, Deborah chose to ‘stay’ and John chose (begged) to ‘leave’. While the rules stipulated the couple give it a go, the father of two decided to opt out. He confessed that the relationship was never going to turn into a romance. Good move.
After saying farewell to wife Deborah and resuming life outside of the reality show, it turns out Aussie women across the nation are frothing at the chance to date the bloke.
In an episode of A Current Affair that airs tonight, the program is setting up John on a bunch of blind dates with Aussie women, as hearts aflutter for the lad.
As it’s ACA, you can expect a bunch of cross-promotion and a heavy dose of cheese – but we’re thrilled that John is getting to meet some ladies that will appreciate him for him.