What To Do When Your Bitch-Ass Work Mate Leaves You For Another Job
Well, well, well, they’ve bloody well gone and done it. Your best work mate – the only good thing about your job – has left you for another gig and you’re left all alone to suffer in silence. Dog move, IMO.
I mean look. You’re obviously happy for them because this new job they’ve left you for is probably way better, pays more or is just the next practical step in their career, but it’s hard to shake the feeling of being broken up with, in a totally platonic, working relationship kind of way (don’t call HR on me).
My office bestie bounced yesterday and, oh boy, I’m feeling it today. I am however, a relatively put-together and level-headed person who famously gives incredible advice (hair toss) so let’s ride this shit out together.
Here’s what you should do when your bitch-ass work mate leaves you for another job.

Don’t Be A Dick, Congratulate Them
This isn’t a parting that anyone’s happy about, so don’t be a wanker. Make sure you congratulate them on the new role, let them know they’ve made the right decision and tell them it’s going to be great (because it will be).
The last thing they need is for you to be all salty about it and take it personally because it’s so not personal. Be chill.

Raid The Shit They Left Behind
If you work in an office, chances are their dumb ass left a bunch of stuff behind. Take this opportunity to go through it (after asking them, obvi) to see if you can snag some stuff. Just this morning I scabbed some coffee, a pair of scissors, a plant and some new highlighters.
Will I use half of this junk? Nah. But all this new stuff has certainly distracted me from the fact I’m depressed and alone.

Look Around The Room
Work can be a bit cliquey, in the sense that if you’ve already got a number one, you’ve probably been sleeping on some seriously great people who could easily snatch that title. The tl;dr is just go and make some new friends.
You might be worried they won’t stack up to who just left, but they’re dead to you now anyway, so it doesn’t matter (lmao, jk).

Throw Yourself Into Your Work
If you and your work mate were super close, chances are you spent a rather large chunk of your day fucking around. Unless of course, you’re my boss reading this, because in that case we were never distracted from our jobs and operated at full capacity!
While missing out on this time can feel super weird, it’s a golden opportunity to, I dunno, actually do your job?
You’ll be surprised by how much you can get done when you’re in the right headspace. It’s also a great way to distract yourself from the fact you’re slowly dying in the hamster wheel called where colours are muted, and you’ve lost the will to live.

Check Yourself (Before You Wreck Yourself)
If you’re for reals struggling with the death departure of your work bestie, ask yourself why you’re so down. Is it just because they’re gone or is it more complicated than that?
Are you low-key jealous that they’re progressing in their career while you feel a bit stuck? Do you feel a bit bored at work? If you do, it might be time for you to make the move too.
Something to think about, anyway.

Keep In Touch
See this as a good thing. Yeah, you guys won’t get to hang out as much but think of it as going from being “work friends” to being “real friends”. Not to say you weren’t real friends before, but never underestimate the power of straight-up lying to yourself.
Make the effort to hang out and talk shit regularly.

The most important thing when it comes to losing your work mate is knowing it’ll all be OK. People leave, new people arrive and you’ll make new friends. Or ya know, just quit!
Up to you, bb.