The Bachelor’s Megan Posts Epic Marriage Equality Rant, Tells Australia To ‘Quit Fucking Around’
One of the most heartwarming and life-affirming stories to come out of the hellish year that was 2016, was the love story of Megan Marx and Tiffany Scanlon. The two met on the latest series of The Bachelor, and while they were supposed to be fighting over a dude – cool banana Richie Strahan – instead, they found love with each other.
Could you imagine an ending more perfect? I cannot.
News of the post-bachy relationship quickly went viral, and the attractive twosome soon made international headlines. Judging from their respective Instagram accounts, Megan and Tiffany still seem to be going strong.
While both have resisted putting a label on their relationship, and have only just confirmed their status, overnight Megan posted about her frustration with the Australian governments inaction on marriage equality.
It’s something that’s inherently personal, as it’s a civil right herself, Tiffany and other same-sex partners will go without, in the current state of marriage law within our nation. The post starts:
“I’ve been wanting my story with Tiffany to “pleasantly” and without force try to help normalise same-sex relationships and desires,” Megan posted.
“Unfortunately, the more stories I hear and people I talk to, the more vividly I see the social, political and mental oppression the Australian government has inflicted on sexual minorities with a law created by privileged white men, a very long time ago.”
She doesn’t stop there, and damn she makes some solid points, so we’ve decided to include the post in full below:
It was 1902 when women in Australia were granted the right to vote and 1962 before Aboriginal people were granted this same right. Before this, voting essentially was a privilege made and utilised by white men. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”, is not an opinion or some quote you put on a fucking fridge magnet- it’s a moral obligation- and the first article point in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was proclaimed by the UN and signed by Australia in 1948.
Sixty eight years later our liberal, secular democracy upholds an outdated and oppressive law that states you cannot marry who you love if it is out of the script of what is “traditional”. Voting was made for white men- and we have changed the law despite its inception. Why can’t we do the same with marriage?
If you are a man, and you find the idea of being with another man sexually disgusting, I guess the answer is to not fuck another dude, instead of using political and social means to instil personal inclinations on minorities with different sexual agendas.
Our beautiful country has become an embarrassment to me, as I believe it has allowed religious sentiments to be involved where they should not be- in politics. Good on you Aus, for supporting programs that help young people deal with mental health issues arising from being part of sexual minorities, but maybe ceasing social and political oppression would reduce mental health struggles in the first place.
I’m not wanting to get married any time soon, nor do I have a vendetta against men or those who hold religious values. My cause is only one that supports human rights for ALL humans. Come on Australia, quit the fucking around.
Amen, sista.