The Bachelorette’s Sam Defends Himself Against Haters, Says He Wasn’t There “Just For Publicity”
What a spectacular episode of The Bachelorette last night! If you missed it, series rivals Rhys and Sam were sent on a 3-way date, the sorta ‘two men enter, only 1 man leaves‘ deal. But there was a PLOT TWIST: both were booted from the competition (check out all the action via TheVine’s latest Bachelorette recap.)
Both sorta put there foot in it, by announcing that they either weren’t that into Georgia or ain’t in the competition to find ‘the one’. But Sam went a step further, pretty much revealing to Georgia he’s just on the show to get a foot in door into acting/presenting. In his words:
“I think presenting’s kinda cool and being on camera and the media and, yeah, it was kind of heading that direction before this,”
He went further to say,
“Um…but this has just given me like a little kick to get moving quicker.”
Can we say…AWKIES. Georgia was far from thrilled and quickly gave him his marching orders to sod off.

But Sam has today spoken out to the media to set things straight and reckons he was misunderstood.
He told Elle Australia:
“I just think the whole thing about me being there just for publicity, that’s a false statement and I don’t like when people say that,” Sam said.
“Some of the answers, and questions I was given, were taken a bit out of context. I definitely didn’t go on the show just to further my career. I was presented with this opportunity and thought it would be a fun experience, and a great way to make some new friends—there was no reason for me to not go on the show. But it definitely wasn’t to further my career at all. It’s weird.”
Last I checked, the point of The Bachelorette isn’t for men to bond and have hangs with their mates. Sam seemed to think differently.
“I was upset that I couldn’t go back and see the guys,” Sam confessed. “When she asked me if I’d be devastated if I left, I was like, “Well, I didn’t really get much of a chance to personally get to know you. So I’m not really sure what I’m going to be devastated about.”
Ouch. But to our surprise, there might be one relationship that could be salvaged since the triple date bloodbath: Sam and Rhys. Sam said he considered Rhys his mate.
Sam told Popsugar “Rhys and I were good mates in the house, we shared a room together, he’d have some weird things sometimes but I don’t hold grudges,” he said.
“I’d definitely hang out with Rhys, I’d definitely have a few questions for him. But yeah, he’s a good guy.”
But it sounds like Georgia still ain’t feeling the err…love. When asked about the rivals, she told WHO Magazine:
“I felt like Rhys was handing me a silver platter of reasons he wasn’t there to find love. Then Sam brought up the fact he wanted to head back overseas and perhaps get into TV presenting,” Georgia said.
“I didn’t want to give them the benefit of hanging out in the house for another week with the guys, being on TV.”