Robert From ‘The Bachelorette’ On His Shock Elimination
Last night Ali proved that no Bachy boy is safe, kicking out early frontrunner Robert on The Bachelorette.
Ali and Robert had a strong connection from the start, with Ali even stealing a kiss at one of the first cocktail parties. But it was meeting Ali’s cousin and best friend last week that saw Robert come undone, as he questioned whether Ali had learned from her past mistakes.
Robert’s intensity caught Ali off guard and the two never fully recovered, as an emotional Ali left him roseless last night.
We chatted to Robert about his shock elimination and his time in the house.
On watching the show back:

“You watch the show from the start and you feel like you’re almost falling in love with Ali again, and then you watch yourself get to that hurdle and fall out of love again. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster.”
On his connection with Ali & her decision to send him home:

“There were a lot of chats that viewers miss out on, we had some deep and meaningful chats and our connection was undeniably strong. Things move rapidly in there, as quick as they can go up and they can go down.
“I understand why she sent me home, but verbally there was no clarity as to why. When I saw how emotional she got when she did send me home, I wanted to make sure she was OK but I wanted to talk it out, I’m a talker.”
On whether he has any regrets:

“In that moment I wish I didn’t say I had packed my bags, but I have to stand by my words. I don’t have regrets, the show was so positive for me, I got to learn so much about myself and grow emotionally as a person and the friends I made there will last a lifetime.”
On the design date that was meant for him:

“The date with Todd was definitely something that was right up my alley and something I would have loved to have done. It was hard to watch but at the same time, he’s a good guy. I would’ve done the dress differently, I wouldn’t have gone strapless.”
On that dramatic chat with Ali’s cousin and BFF:

“I’m an intense person emotionally and a lot of people aren’t always ready for an emotional talk. There was definitely some nervous chatting there. I think I caught them a bit off guard.
They probably thought everyone was going to come in there and tell them what they wanted to hear, but I was trying to fall in love with a woman and I wanted to get to the crux of the details and make sure she was the perfect woman for me.”
On who has been getting the roughest edit:

“Charlie, I don’t think he’s as crazy as what he seems. And Paddy in the first few episodes, Paddy’s so lovely.”
On whether he’d do it all again:

“My experience was so positive I would definitely do it again. Maybe in a different setting this time. We’ll see.”
On who he thinks will win:

“I don’t know the result myself, it’s a tough one. She’s got a lot of energy with Bill, Taite and Todd. Charlie seems to be digging his own grave, it’s a tough one to pick.”