Niranga Has Revealed What Exactly Happened W/ Cass On ‘Bachelor In Paradise’
After exposing Frazer Neate last week, Bachy fave Niranga Amarasinghe is back to spill even more tea.
On the latest episode of the So Dramatic! podcast, Niranga spoke with host Megan Pustetto about his experiences on The Bachelorette and Bachelor In Paradise — and of course Cass Mamone came up. Niranga and Cass famously clashed on BIP, with many viewers feeling sorry for Niranga after seeing the nasty way Cass spoke to him (and about him) while on the show.
The last we heard about Cass was Niranga posting a not-so-cryptic Instagram story, alleging that someone at the show had said some racist remarks about him. If there was any question mark over who he meant, Niranga confirmed it all on the podcast. “That was Cass,” he said.
Read the post from earlier this year:

Niranga then told So Dramatic! about the events that lead up his Instagram post. “I didn’t call her a racist, I just called her out. I said in the first week, she was like ‘I don’t know his name’ and blah blah blah. Whatever, I thought that was probably a bit of a joke,” he began.
“Then I don’t know when it was, it was a few days after that, we were all sitting around at breakfast and we were talking about who you would take back to your family, and she goes, ‘I couldn’t take Niranga back to my family from wherever he’s from.’ Some people think it came out like, ‘because he’s from Brisbane’, and I was like, ‘no, it’s because I’m from Sri Lanka.’ I heard it and a couple of other girls heard it who were there — and I didn’t take that very nicely.”
Following the comment, Niranga didn’t broach the subject again while in Paradise. “I didn’t confront her about anything really, [but] she was being quite nasty to a lot of people.”
He said that while his BIP buddy Mary Viturino tried to convince him that Cass didn’t mean to come off as offensive, he didn’t agree. “From my experiences, especially after that, when people say that [kind of comment] it doesn’t come from a good place. These are quite horrible and nasty people, I shouldn’t be associating with people like that. It was a very good life lesson, I think.”
View this post on Instagram
Niranga did want to specify that he didn’t call Cass racist, after copping heat from a BIP costar. “I never called her racist, all these people say that I called her racist. I actually got a call from Keira Maguire actually saying, ‘you called Cass racist, how dare you!’ and I said, ‘I didn’t call her racist, you don’t even know what I fucking said. Get your facts right’,” he recalled.
Since the season ended in August, Niranga said he hasn’t heard anything from Cass. “Nothing at all, no apology. It’s too late now. I wouldn’t accept an apology and it wouldn’t matter to her to be honest, because she thinks she hasn’t done anything wrong when she clearly has,” he said.
“She’s like 35, she should know better. She’s wondering why she can’t get a guy. Look in the mirror. Look at your actions.”
We have reached out to Cass regarding Niranga’s allegations.