AMSTER-DAMN: ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Just Landed & All The Fellas Want Florence
“Paradise looks sick!” screams Tara… and with that, the first episode of The Bachelor spinoff Bachelor In Paradise kicks off.
While the location may have changed to Fiji, one thing stayed the same: Osher Günsberg’s hair is still too perfect for words.

Another Gold Logie worthy performance from ya m8 Osh!
However, the first ep was really all about Florence. If you need a quick catch-up in all things Flo, she’s the Dutch contestant on Matty J’s season.
That’s not ringing bells? She donned specs and a white shirt to teach our bachy a sexy lesson, and most importantly at home stays, she wouldn’t hold Matty’s hand and pretty much totally ignored him. Lol. It was fantastic.
In summary: she’s a bad bitch and we love her for it.

Even before Florence arrived to meet angel-faced Osher, her name had been dropped by Sam Frost reject Davey Lloyd. Soon after, Georgia Love’s ex-fling Jake entered and he expressed interest in the beautiful Dutch lass. Turns out Jakey and Flo have had some history on the outside world, making things tricky for Davey to make a move.
With the gift of Osher’s date card placed in Davey’s hands, he chose not to chop Jakes lunch (cuz #brocode) and instead picked Leah for some solo time. He later fessed up by telling Flo that he regretted not picking her and continued to flirt his pants off. Has he seen this show? Don’t mess with Leah m8. She’s going to annihilate you.
Flo and Jake seem to have a complicated past and with Davey also wanting a rose from her, it’s all become a bit of a tangled ‘love square’ situation. Imho, Flo shouldn’t settle for either of these guys.
Coming to her senses, Florance dropped this truth bomb on Davey:
“You’re both idiots. I’d rather hang out by myself,”
Me too, Flo. Me too. I guess we’ll find out what goes down in the first rose ceremony tomorrow night.
Viewers vented mixed reactions to the whole ‘love square’ fiasco on twitter:
No Flo!!! Not Blake!! #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/7VKd2Hc1US
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) March 25, 2018
Thanks Davey for reminding me how fucking annoying you are. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) March 25, 2018
not flo trying to chat with blake ???????????????????????????????????????? #BachelorInParadiseAU
— ???? (@hyobvious) March 25, 2018
Flo and Jarrod would be great together because they could become obsessed with each other and then yay #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Eloise Andrea (@eloiseplease) March 25, 2018
Florence please go with Jake you both look so good together. Nothing has happened yet and I already love them as a couple. Please ???????????? #BachelorInParadiseAU
— ReneeSergi21 (@ReneeSergi21) March 25, 2018
Haha! Jake and Florence! #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/O7W6t5MEJl
— Elizabeth (@absolut_hippo) March 25, 2018
Flo basically eviscerated Jake just then and he’s still hoping for a rose? Weird, so weird. I can see why there’s goss about him now. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— indra (@greatmooncalf) March 25, 2018
Florence and Blake…RUN FLORENCE RUN #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Kiera (@UnderYourPorch) March 25, 2018
Some people were just not sold on the Flo hogging all the screen time
listen… i just dont really care that much about florence and she's taking up A LOT of screen time #BachelorInParadiseAU
— amy✨ (@aryagendry) March 25, 2018
Is this the Florence show I’m confused #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Geo Kara (@geokara) March 25, 2018
I think I really dislike Florence. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— LILITHIA (Stef) ♡ (@lilithia) March 25, 2018
Why is flo and her side boob getting this much airtime?#BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/PyId2107XO
— twoelevens (@twoelevens) March 25, 2018
Seriously sick of Florence! Pretty sure the other girls are more interesting than her regretful hookup. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Chris Wotherspoon (@chrstnewthrspn) March 25, 2018
Meanwhile, there was plenty of viewer love for someone on the island:
I say things like this on TV because Logies don’t win themselves #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/x6zdGsAuKC
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) March 25, 2018
Get this guy a good Logie already! #BachelorInParadiseAU https://t.co/1hvbdGFwuh
— Lozza (@LaurenSchickert) March 25, 2018