BACHY-INVASION: Meet The All Star ‘Merican Men Joining ‘Bachelor In Paradise’
Bachelor In Paradise is about to get a helleva lot more interesting with the addition of American intruders Daniel Maguire, Grant Kemp and Jared Haibon.
For fans of the truly bonkers U.S. series of Bachelor In Paradise, you’ll be well acquainted with these fellas. They were bloody all-stars in their respective seasons and we are psyched as hell to have ’em on board down under.

All three of the boys that are headed to Fiji starred in the 2016 BIP season, which was low-key one of the best season’s ever.
They all bring totally different qualities to the table, so we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know about the newbies.
Here’s what you need to know about the incoming international bachys:
Daniel Maguire
This guy. Eurghhhhhhh. The (not-so-American) Canadian dude does not have a filter and will insert himself into every dramatic scenario and is sure to stir the pot.
Maybe this has something to do with Maguire last name / is it weird if he and Keira Maguire hook up. Are they long lost relations??? Let’s hope this is all cleared up.
Daniel is loud, he’s abrasive, not going to lie: he’s a massive dickhead tbh.
During his time on BIP in the states, he would manipulate his way into getting a rose week after week without intending on making a single meaningful connection.
Rather, he’d just move from girl to girl. The dude has appeared on two consecutive BIP seasons in the U.S. and probs sees the whole thing as some kind of sport.
Best to avoid at all costs.
Grant Kemp
Be still, my beating heart. When I saw that Grant was going to be on our season, I lost my shit. He’s going to be massive eye candy. This beautiful man looks like he was sculpted by the Gods.
Just look at this delicious human …
There’s a bonus too. Turns out Kemp is also totally lovely and genuine (unlike the douche-canoe above). Plus, he’s more than ready to get wifed up.
In his season of BIP, he very quickly connected with ex-bachy Lace Morris and the two even became engaged during the finale. He moves fast. The pair has obvi since broken up, leaving Grant single, ready to mingle and have a flingle. The ladies are going to froff over this guy and I expect to see some kind of island cage fight to win his attention.
Jared Haibon
Slightly geeky but overall adorable, Jared is the real deal. He’ll likely be the guy that makes the perfect hubby.
Who wouldn’t marry this dude sporting casual Gryffindor threads.
He’s sweet, he’s dorky and if history repeats itself, upon meeting him, women have the tendency to become flat-out obsessed with his every move to a scarily extreme level.
Enter his ex Ashley. For the unfamiliar, Jared and Ashley briefly dated before splitting up and Ashley chased him onto BIP to get him back. Let’s just say she had zero chill about it.
While the guy appears to be sort of geeky at first glance, he is also…like incredibly hot.
Holy shit. The Aussie BIP ladies don’t know what’s about to sweep into Fiji.
Our Aussie bachy boys need to watch their backs.