The Finale Of ‘The Bachelor’ Was An Absolute SHITSHOW & People Are Not Impressed
Well. The Honey Badger’s quest for… whatever he was looking for has come to an end and it was absolute trash fire from start to finish.
It’s important to start at the very beginning, so let’s debrief super fast before we tackle this mess.
To kick things off, Sophie and Britt both met the Badge’s family. Britt confessed her feelings to Badge’s sis, while Sophie divulged she was falling in luuurve with Nick to his bro.
Badge’s sister was basically like “none of these girls are the right match for him” and also hinted at the fact she didn’t think he was ready to fully settle down. Which makes a lot of sense as to why he decided to be on this show!!

Anyway here’s how it went with Sophie.

She told Badge she was falling for him, they kissed!
And here’s how it went with Britt:
She told Badge she was in love with him, they kissed!
But then things took a turn and our Bachelor freaked the fuck out.
After kissing Britt, Badge basically freaked out and started implying he wasn’t ready to settle down by saying their timelines were in “different places”. She tried to convince him he was freaking out because he knew they were “perfect” for each other. I’d write out the whole speech, but I was too busy yelling at the TV through a mouth full of chocolate hearts some PR company sent me in celebration of this show ending.
Britt ended up walking off on him and the next minute, we were at the “choosing” ceremony, or whatever you want to call it.
The fact Nick is already holding his itinerary for his flight outta there is probably a bad sign #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/TZE7SsBNqa
— Dr Chris Brown (@drchrisbrown) October 4, 2018
Sophie was first out of the limo to get her heart broken:
Even until the very last moment, Soph carries herself with so much grace. Sending all of the love to you! #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/FXi6XR3bgo
— The Bachelor Aus ? (@TheBachelorAU) October 4, 2018
Nick told her he “liked her”, just like he was a 13-year-old, but then said he wasn’t about to “wholeheartedly commit to her” without much further explanation.
“Britt is amazing and Nick is amazing, and I know they’ll be amazing together,” a teary Sophie said. “I’m really happy for her.”
What a bloody legend.
Britt then got out to discover her fate, and… he DUMPED HER TOO:
WHAT. JUST. HAPPENED?!?!?!!! #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/ROalCgXiZm
— The Bachelor Aus ? (@TheBachelorAU) October 4, 2018
Yep, the whole time our boi couldn’t commit to EITHER of his final two.
Well that’s 8 weeks of my life I’ll never get back. Not that I was going to do anything but still… #TheBachelorAU
— Sarah (@_SarahKAnderson) October 4, 2018
What a waste of 2 months of my life. I was emotionally invested in this shit #TheBachelorAU
— Linda (@Linda25803469) October 4, 2018
This entire season summed up. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/yT87uEb4Ra
— deano #eaststowin (@deank88) October 4, 2018
Literally what a waste of time.
britt speaking for all of australia; what a bloody giant waste of time ??? #TheBachelorAU
— Hannah Jane (@hannah_solo_) October 4, 2018
Pretty much sums it up. #thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/5mjuVftpdQ
— Osher Günsberg (@oshergunsberg) October 4, 2018
Hey @channelten @TheBachelorAU enough with the stunt casting, next time please cast a grown up who actually wants to be there.#TheBachelorAU
— Jenna Guillaume But Spooky (@JennaGuillaume) October 4, 2018
Britt decided to then go find Sophie, and tell her what the hell went down and it was the best part of this whole series.
"He's obviously in a really lost place" – Soph & Britt debrief after Nick's massive decision. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/FZwCQTW65t
— The Bachelor Aus ? (@TheBachelorAU) October 4, 2018
this girl debrief is the best part of the entire season hook this to my fucking veins #TheBachelorAU
— Alex Bruce-Smith (@alexbrucesmith) October 4, 2018
Soph's face says it all #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/fhye6F7j4k
— The Bachelor Aus ? (@TheBachelorAU) October 4, 2018
Thoughts and prayers going out to everyone else who wasted eight weeks of their lives on this show.