25 Ways To Fill An Awkward Silence On A First Date
First dates. We love ’em, we loathe ’em.
They can be a particular kind of awkward and if you and your new bae aren’t exactly hitting it off, we’ve come up with some sample quotes for you to throw out in case there’s an awkward silence.
You know the situation… you’ve exchanged the pleasantries, both of you are nearing the end of your first drink and you can’t remember for the life of you if their name was Sam or Matt.
So when in doubt, throw one of these bad boys out:
1.”Do you mind if I put my sunglasses on?”

2. “Do you think when a turtle goes to shower that it has to take off its shell?”

3. “Sometimes when it rains I like to go outside and stand in it so people don’t see my tears.”

4. “My Grandpa would’ve loved this dish. He died before I was born, but I just know it.”

5. “I haven’t been able to feel anything since the accident. Emotionally, that is.”

6. “My therapist thinks my deep-set trust issues come from J.K. Rowling making up extra Harry Potter storylines long after the books were released.”

7. “Do you prefer your eggs poached, scrambled or fertilised?”

8. “Do you get naked to shower?”

9. “I’ve heard if you stare into someone’s eyes for five minutes without saying anything it heightens your chance of falling in love. Should we try it?”

10. “I don’t usually say yes to dates, but I said yes to you because you kind of look like my cousin.”

11. “I’m actually allergic to seafood, but shall we share the prawns?”

12. “How do you reckon we’ll end up breaking up?”

13. “Can I borrow $200?”

14. “I’d normally ask my mum but she’s cut me off.”

15. “Sorry if I get a bit teary, but my cat died and I’m still having a moment. Yeah, he passed 17 years ago.”

16. “Sometimes when I need new underwear but don’t want to buy any, I steal it off my neighbour’s clothesline.”

17. “Do you think that waiter is hot?”

18. “Well, do you reckon the chef is hot at least?”

19. “Wow, I can’t believe you called someone else hot on our date.”

20. “Do you mind if I pay my share in coins?”

21. ** This is the part when you just count your coins out really, really slowly in silence**

22. “Can you pick me up for my doctor’s appointment tomorrow?”
23. “When should we get our parents together for a family dinner?”

24. “How do you feel about this order; boy, girl, boy?”

25. “I hope this night never ends.”