Avril Lavigne’s New Single ‘Head Above Water’ Confirms She Was In Fact Replaced By Clone Named Melissa In 2003
Today “Avril Lavigne” AKA body double Melissa Vandella released her brand new single, ‘Head Above Water’ and bitch, it’s good.
Is it good because we’re hearing a new-age Kesha vibe mixed with that old-school Avril sound? Maybe. Is it good because it’s literally anything other than the fuckery that was her last album? Perhaps. Is it good because the entire track is purely a cry for help? Most definitely.

We’re convinced that ‘Head Above Water’ is nothing more than a public cry for help. Wake up, sheeple! Hear the cry of Melissa Vandella, the doppelgänger who stepped in to live as Avril following her tragic 2003 death.
Don’t believe us? Boil the kettle and strap yourselves in, because we’re about to deliver you some tea and, baby, it’s piping-fucking-hot!
The Evidence
If you’ve listened to the song at least once, you will have picked up on some disturbing themes throughout. But if it’s cold, hard, undeniable, irrefutable, unquestionable facts you’re after, keep reading and prepare to have your mind blown.

#1 The Hidden Message In The First Two Verses
When it comes to subtle hints embedded in lyrics, Melissa did not come to play. Look closely at the first two verses.

Just a regular pop song, right? WRONG. Upon further inspection, you can see “Avril’s” first cry for help, and it’s huge.

I mean, what’s it going to take for people to start listening? Melissa spells out so clearly that she is not who the late and great Avril Lavigne’s record company says she is. She is MELISSA. ME-LIS-SA!
#2 The Album Art
There isn’t anything particularly odd about the album art for ‘Head Above Water’. I mean, Avril isn’t the first artist to pose fully clothed in a body of water. Harry Styles has done it, Kylie did it in the ‘Where The Wild Roses Grow’ video, Nirvana did it.
But just look at this album artwork and tell me you don’t feel a certain way.

Let’s look a little closer.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and, man, those eyes have seen some shit, I’m telling you.
Take a long, hard look into those eyes and tell me they don’t belong to a woman named Melissa Vandella, whose friend named Avril Lavigne died in 2003. Tell me those eyes don’t belong to someone who has been forced to step into the large and very dead shoes of Avril Lavigne for the past 15 years by a money-hungry record label. Tell me those eyes aren’t begging you to listen.
#3 The Lyrics
We could unpack most of the lyrics in ‘Head Above Water’, but these are the ones that contain the most cryptic of truths.
“Yeah my life is what I’m fighting for
Can’t part the sea, can’t reach the shore”
Melissa is in too deep, and the Avril Lavigne brand is too big to let her go. Melissa overtly exposing the higher power — whether that be the government, the Illuminati or Avril’s record label — would most likely result in her death. Melissa is literally fighting for her life.
She can’t part the sea (escape her puppeteers) and can’t reach the shore (a normal life).

And these aren’t the only revealing lyrics in the track:
“So pull me up from down below
‘Cause I’m underneath the undertow
Come dry me off and hold me close
I need you now I need you most”
Melissa has been playing Avril for so long that, on some level, she genuinely believes she is Avril Lavigne. It’s those feelings of delusion combined with the lost feelings of missing a friend who was taken away too young that has inspired this heavy-AF lyric.
Avril is dead, Melissa is dead on the inside, and both want to be brought back to life. Melissa wants to be pulled up from the web of lies and reunited with her pal Avril. She needs her most.
#4 This Undeniable Truth
If thus far you’re thinking I’m full of shit, honey, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

The hidden messages may be a coincidence, the lyrics overanalysed and the album art just that, art. But some facts you just can’t deny.
- ‘Head Above Water’ is “Avril Lavigne”‘s 24th studio single.
- There are 24 hours in one day.
- “Day”.
- “Day” rhymes with “say”.
- ‘Things I’ll Never Say’ was a BOP from the album, Let Go — the last album recorded and released by the real Avril Lavigne.
- Let Go sold more than 20 million copies.
- 20 million is a big number.
- The opposite to big is small.
- Small.
- A small number is 3.
- Triangles have 3 sides.
- Illuminati confirmed.

Melissa, blink twice if you’re okay.