The Winner Of ‘Australian Survivor’ Has Been Crowned & Viewers Are Divided
On tonight’s Australian Survivor finale the last three standing — Harry, Baden and Pia — faced off against each other. Pia was crowned sole survivor but some viewers are frustrated that Harry missed out on a spot in the top two.
Tonight’s immunity challenge saw the final three standing on pedestals (or as Baden put it “torture pegs”) while holding on to weights. It was absolutely brutal.

After over six hours, it was Harry who asked to get down first, then Pia, who was buckled over in pain, also conceded. Against all odds, Baden won his first individual immunity and at tribal council in a surprising move, Baden sent his longtime ally Harry home.
It’s actually pretty cool to think that the two people who were almost voted out at their first Tribal Councils
Are now sitting at the end together
I love that
It’s poetic#SurvivorAU
— Dylan Conrad (@TheDylanConrad) September 17, 2019
As Baden and Pia went into the final tribal council, both gave their pitches to the jury. In the end it was clear that Pia demonstrated that she played the more impressive game and gained all the votes from her peers — which is just a fucking huge accomplishment.
A comprehensive 9-0 victory for Pia ? #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/AYdMl8gHaR
— Australian Survivor (@Survivor_AU) September 17, 2019
Her pitch and how she handled questions from the jury was legit iconic.
Many were stoked that Pia won in the end:
Pia just fucking SCHOOLED Dave on Australian Survivor strategy!! Everything she said was 100% correct, SO much different to US Survivor ?? #SurvivorAU
— Andrew Torrens (@AndrewTorrens) September 17, 2019
Pia Pia pia pia ofcourse pia @Survivor_AU #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/nVYBpeTCbc
— ⚫ (@nubby_han) September 17, 2019
David: You’re a goat…Pia: pic.twitter.com/bWqMeP83C5
— Wade Shipard (@wadeshipard) September 17, 2019
Pia deserves the win based on this savagery alone and if she were a dude you’d think so too #SurvivorAU
— Samuel Leighton-Dore (@SamLeightonDore) September 17, 2019
i just want a three hour ted talk of pia going off at trash men and burning down the patriarchy what a qUEEN #SurvivorAU
— ✨ (@allthemims) September 17, 2019
PIA WINS AUSTRALIAN SURVIVOR 2019!! #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/waktT9jfP7
— Guy Ⓥ???? (@greysfan) September 17, 2019
PIA AT THIS TRIBAL THOUGH #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/JNpRpoVRJb
— john.gappi (@john_gappi) September 17, 2019
I just can’t stop thinking about Pia on the first episode (before almost getting voted out) saying “I always knew if I played this game I’d either go home first or win”.
She’s got this ?? #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/iP4hE2Fxk3
— Lachlan Guertin (@LachlanGuertin) September 17, 2019
Things Pia did:
THAT!!!!! #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/puu57fgtlf— Stephanie Marie (@stefinitely85) September 17, 2019
While others thought Harry should have made the top two instead of Baden:
We deserved a Luke vs Harry final and we got Pia vs Baden. How utterly disappointing and a waste of a fantastic season. #SurvivorAU
— ViVi B (@ViVi_RFObsessed) September 17, 2019
Somehow the best season of twists and turns ends with the two absolute vanilla players with no game whatsoever as the final two. So incredibly underwhelming #SurvivorAU
— Tom Roper (@ahelluvadealson) September 17, 2019
i really would've liked to have seen david vs harry or luke vs harry at the final. i would also say janine vs harry, but only if she wasn't a millionaire. #SurvivorAU
— taryn ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง (@thereafter) September 17, 2019
The TRUE winner. HARRY. Outwit. Outlast. Outplay. He embodies every quality of this great game we love. Without him, this series would be lesser. Bad-luck H#SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/XTNVcpvkcd
— Dylan (@DylanDylan2017) September 17, 2019
Harry is the most deserving to win out of the final 3. He’s been honest, dishonest, brutal & sneaky, everything a Survivor should be #SurvivorAU
— Robyn (@pennycan69) September 17, 2019
Someone start a go fund me now to buy Harry his ice cream truck #survivorau
— Lord Bradley Smith (@bradws13) September 17, 2019
Whether you agree with the chosen winner or not, there’s no denying it’s been an amazing season!
Wheres your toothpick now Harry? #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/2PyjKUGz4T
— Cillian (@Cillian_____) September 17, 2019