Anthony Mundine Has Officially Left The ‘I’m A Celeb’ Jungle & Fans Are Filthy
Controversial boxer Anthony ‘The Man’ Mundine has quit I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here. While he said in a Facebook message to his followers that he left because he missed his family, host Dr Chris Brown is relaying a different story.
Early this morning, Mundine posted on Facebook confirming that he had indeed left the South African jungle.
He explained to his fans:
“It was an incredible experience but I miss my family and feel like I have accomplished everything I wanted to do.”
While Mundine reckons he left because he was homesick, Brown is saying that the boxer quit after he struggled in trying to compete in the ‘viper room’ challenge with his fierce rival Danny Green.
In a radio interview on Nova’s Chrissy, Sam & Brownie show, Dr Chris said Anthony’s decision to walk came after a challenge with his boxing rival.
“It’s obviously our most confronting trial, really,” said Brown.
“We’ve run it for four years now and it’s always tested everyone. And during the trial it certainly looked like it had shaken up Anthony and Danny.”
“After the trial he was obviously trying to hide it how distressed he was going through it.”
Unsurprisingly, Mundine attracted a load of controversy during his short stay in the jungle. From spilling out BS about a woman’s place being in the kitchen, preaching homophobia and rambling archaic shit, saying women shouldn’t wear skirts that sit above their knees.
Considering Mundine always talked the big talk, viewers are feeling filthy that he left the show after less than two weeks.
Here’s what people are saying on Twitter:
Mundine is as tough as Barnaby Joyce’s moral values ???? #BoneheadedIdiots
— Viv (@purplequilter77) February 8, 2018
That’s a 2nd one this season! I bet #imacelebrityau is spewing that they wasted all this time and effort to get these people that just give up early in and quit the show *eye roll* kudos to all the celebs in previous seasons who stuck it out for the long haul!
— kiki (@kiki_fvee) February 7, 2018
He said that he has achieved everything he wanted in the jungle!!. Poor form when you're in there to win $100k for your charity. JOG ON #Mundine #ImACelebrityAU You could of tapped out of the #ViperRoomChallenge
— Seenbrighterdays (@Seenbrighterda1) February 7, 2018
Seriously has everyone forgotten they’re supposed to be in there to win money for charity? #ImACelebrityAU
— Amy (@amyrbkr) February 7, 2018
And he will still say he won ????
— Jane (@jms_83) February 7, 2018
The top comments on Facebook are a mix of Mundine supporters and haters.
Food for thought…
Maybe if @ImACelebrityAU had a rule that you can't do multiple Tucker trials in a row…@Anthony_Mundine wouldn't have walked.#snakebeatstheman #ImACelebrityAU
— Grantly Aplin (@GrantlyAplin) February 7, 2018
Didn't Laurina complete something like 11 trials including the viper room and she didn't walk? ????
— morgannahh (@morgannahh) February 7, 2018