Andrew Bolt The Sexist

Andrew Bolt Cries Sexist: Complains It’s Unfair That Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner Is A Woman

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Put a fork in Andrew Bolt, the man is well and truly cooked. The professional shit-stirrer has attacked yesterday’s news that Victorian lawyer Kate Jenkins has been appointed as the new Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner on the grounds that it’s sexist towards men.

The blog post, written on Victorian rag The Herald Sun today, sees Bolt argue that it’s unfair that only women have been appointed to the role responsible for promoting workplace equality between men and women. Whaaaaaaa.

As Scott Bridges graciously put it on Twitter, “We all knew this post was coming but it’s even more beautiful than we ever could have imagined.”

Mr Bolt’s hilarious and intentionally ill-informed argument might just be an attempt to get your click-through and readership support from Victoria’s less educated – but it’s also damaging. Classic Bolty-boy setting us all back.

In the short post, Bolt tells his readers:

Only one sex gets appointed to a job that is supposed to end this kind of preferencing of a gender in employment.

He then enforces the comment:

Have we ever had a male sex discrimination commissioner? If not, don’t you think its rather hypocritical?

Sure, it does seem as though women have been given an unfair preference towards a role designed to promote fairness and equality for women – either that or they are totally more qualified for such a position.

Mr Bolt seems to have also conveniently left out the whole thing about Australia’s increasing pay-gap between full-time male/female employees (below). That’s not to say there aren’t men capable of the role, but it does seem highly inappropriate – and yes –  hypocritical NOT to appoint a woman in to championing these issues. In fact, that would be an insult.

Gender Pay Gap In Australia

Source: ABS (2015), Average Weekly Earnings, May 2015, cat. no. 6302.0, view ed 13 August 2015,[email protected]/mf/6302.0

Kate Jenkins’ position will see her oversee the operation of the Sex Discrimination Act (1984) as well as acting as a specialist commissioner to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. In the public space, she will comment and educate on gender issues and champion equal rights. She comes to the role following huge success as the Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner in Victoria, following two decades as a senior partner at an Australian law firm.

In my opinion, Andrew Bolt is either a shit stain on Australian media – or Australia’s best and most successful troll.