A Loving Look Back On The 10 Best Sketches Of ‘The Amanda Show’
Late ‘90s/early ‘00s Nickelodeon was undeniably some of the best TV we have ever and, perhaps, will ever see – facts are facts. The line-up of shows that aired on the daily were an absolute dream.
I mean, can you believe that there was a point in time where the likes of Rocket Power, Aaahh! Real Monsters, Angry Beavers, Rocko’s Modern Life, Rugrats, All That, Kenan And Kel, Ka-Blam, Cat Dog and The Wild Thornberries (just to name a few) were all on the air AT THE SAME TIME.
There is one show, however, that I reckon reigns supreme as the greatest Nick show of all time. That show is The Amanda Show. Let’s reminisce, shall we?

Disclaimer: There are close to 50 nonsensical episodes and more than 40 sketches, so not all are gonna feature. We got some goodens though.
Judge Trudy
Seven words, 10 syllables: Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
This sassy Judge Judy parody is quintessential Amanda Show. It’s smart, funny and all kinds of dumb. Only Trudy can judge me.
Mr Oldman
If The Amanda Show didn’t teach you how to make prank calls, I’m sorry that you had such a shit childhood.
And damn, as a kid I thought that see-through phone was fly-as-fuck. A landline. I thought a landline was cool. I’ll see myself out.
Bonus fact: Mr Oldman is Dan Schneider, the show’s creator. He also created/produced shows like All That, Drake & Josh and Zoey 101 and for that, we thank you.
I’m not sure what’s funnier, this skit or the fact that its target audience today probably wouldn’t even know what a Blockbuster is (RIP).
Blockblister is the video store where you’d rent Stuart Little and get the low, low, budget remake, Stuart Lipple. Free eggs though, amirite?
Crazy Courtney
Screaming “MA-HA” never really worked trying to get out of shit growing up. But if Crazy Courtney made any impact on my life, it’s that I have never looked at yoghurt the same way.
The Girls’ Room
Apart from being insanely jealous over the idea of a school without a uniform, this sketch holds a special place in my heart.
And let’s be real, that’s almost entirely because of Debbie, who likes eggs and is an icon, legend and star. Keep on shinin’, Debbie.
Moody’s Point
Moody’s Point to us was what Days of our Lives was to our grandparents.
Will Moody’s mum ever be rescued from the clutches of that hot air balloon? Will her dad ever learn to walk with one less toe? Will Misty ever stop being an extra little bitch?
If you’re really keen to find out, some angel has compiled all seven episodes and you can watch it on YouTube here.
Penelope Taynt
Agh! Who doesn’t love a “we’re the same actor playing two characters so the characters can never be seen in the same room” gag. I know I do.
Amanda went full Parent Trap on everyone’s asses and it was amazing. Don’t try and tell me you didn’t sneak onto the family computer to visit www.amandaPLEASE.com.
We STAN a polite but very crazy stalker who will stop at nothing to meet Amanda Bynes because honestly, same.
Hillbilly Moment
Knock knock jokes have never been the same.
For reals though, a good prop and a slap in the face will never not be funny.
The Procrastinator
Can you believe this sketch only happened ONE TIME! The fact it stands the test of time as one of the best is maybe because we can all relate on a cellular level.
Even superheroes are willing to do literally ANYTHING before the job they’re meant to do. The Procrastinator is my kinda hero.
Totally Kyle
Drake Bell was every late ’90s girl’s first crush and that’s just a scientific fact.
He was totally dumb as a rock, but we love him.
If you don’t think The Amanda Show isn’t an absolute classic, consider this: without it there would be no Drake & Josh, without it there would be no iCarly, without it there would be no Victorious, without it there would be no Ariana Grande and with no Ariana Grande we wouldn’t have the Dangerous Woman album.
Amanda Bynes and The Amanda Show is a gift from heaven and we truly aren’t worthy.