Absolutely Everything We Know About ‘The Craft’ Remake

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For any 90’s baby, The Craft was a staple inclusion to any totes poppin’ slumber party, with the film’s game ‘Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board’ bruising many bones for Gen Y-ers.

Since the films release in 1996, the bewitchin’ movie has enjoyed success with all new generations, carrying timeless themes of girl power, embracing the sisterhood and good old fashioned fuckboy-vengeance.

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Andrew Fleming’s cult teen horror-thriller, it has just been announced that the The Craft will be getting… A REMAKE. No joke!

We couldn’t be more juiced!! Here is everything we know so far:

Who’s making it and who is back on board?

The remake will be produced by Douglas Wick, who also produced the original film, but this time it will be a female-driven production(yes!) with up-and-coming horror filmmaker Leigh Janiak to write and direct the new version, co-writing the script with Phil Graziadei.

In regards to the rest of the cast, it’s purely speculative at this point. Rachel True, the actress that played Rochelle in the original has said in an interview with Hitfix that she would love the remake to include some of the original cast, saying:

“I’d love to see what the girls are up to now that they’re women,” said True.

So there is a chance True might be up for appearing in the remake. How about the other three starring witches? Neve Campbell has gone on to appear in House of Cards, and may be unlikely to reappear, if her recent interview with Metro UK is anything to go by, where she said:

“I think, unfortunately, people are so worried about making money in the business these days that they’re guaranteed more money by just doing remakes as opposed to coming up with new ideas and taking risks, which is a little boring,” said Campbell.

Ouch. As for Robin Tunney that played Sarah and Fairuza Balk who played the unhinged Nancy – neither actress have agreed to come on board for the remake in any capacity as yet.

True did offer some casting suggestions for the remake- including choosing Zoe Kravitz to play herself.

“I used to…babysit her[Kravitz] and I used to make her run lines with me,” she said, adding: “Literally, I remember making six year old, five year old Zoe, like, ‘Here, read this! Read this with me, I have an audition.’ So I would love to see her play — I think she has the sensibilities to play that part.”

Is it a sequel or a remake?

It sounds more like a sequel. According to producer Wick, in an interview with Hitfix:

“I wouldn’t say that we wouldn’t so much call it a remake as a ‘twenty years later,” he said.

“There will be callbacks to the original movie, so you will see there is a connection between what happened in the days of The Craft, and how these young women come across this magic many years later.”

What will the story be about?

As told by Wick, it will be a female-centric film, made by women and about female empowerment in the modern day age.

Hick goes on to say regarding his vision of the film:

“Here are some young women who once again discover the power of magic, and we explore their emotional lives, their wants, their fears, their longings, as they become empowered,” Wick told Hitflix.

“So you know, the same way you use a war movie to explore the psyche of men, you get to create a heightened world to explore the psyche of these women. And so that seemed like an opportunity that was ripe and a way to make a movie that would be very much about now.

“And of course, part of that was just finding a talent that felt like enough of a real talent that you’d really be interested in her interpretation of this kind of story now, and of course Leigh is exactly that.”

True has said that she hopes Rochelle would now be “running a makeup-y, perfume company, because I think that women are super powerful as well. They’re in — we’re in our sexuality. We own it, as opposed to girls who are a little shy about it. So I would love to see what the same group of women are up to now.”

Yes please! Let’s hope Nancy has busted out of that asylum and is running for congress.

We’ll keep you updated as more news comes in!

Header via Sony.