10 Reasons Why Miley Cyrus’ ‘7 Things’ I Hate About You Is An Iconic Track
I don’t know how she does it, but Miley Cyrus has a whole lot of bangers in her stockpile and it’s time to pay our respects to one of her best: eternal pop anthem, ‘7 Things’.
Miley is no stranger to producing fantastically catchy tunes. We’ve talked about that time she produced the best song in the entire world ‘The Climb’, which was great, and now it’s time to appreciate her breakup banger ‘7 Things’.

No other song encapsulates the perfect mix of saltiness or feels quite like ‘7 Things’, and if you didn’t shout along to this song with melodramatic bitterness in your youth then you are LYING. Simple.
So let’s talk about exactly what makes this song so damn good:
1. How about when the song STARTS.
It’s an instant banger from the get go. The beginning is, perhaps, my favourite part because it means that we are about to hear the whole song and isn’t that just wonderful. Also: “Sha”. Enough said.
if I were a sound I’d be the “sha” in the beginning of miley’s 7 things I hate about you
— n (@fiImsnmusic) February 15, 2018
2. “When you mean it, I’ll believe it. If you text it, I’ll delete it.”
Literally tho, these are some life lessons Miley is dishing out, so listen the fuck up, my friends. Apologising is important!!! But truth bomb: apologising via text is trash.

Damn, feeling so grateful for this wisdom.
3. Remember when Miley invented listicles.
Listing the ways boys are disappointing is a relatable game we can all contribute to!

4. “You make me love you.”
Miley is speaking some real truth here. It’s that age old conundrum, where boys are being super problematic in many ways but they’re also cute. When you’re attracted to them, so you let so much shit slide. And in spite of your best efforts… you still fall into their TRAP.

Let Miley’s weakness be a warning to us all.
5. Miley low-key threw shade at a Jonas brother.
Yes, we know who this song is about, due to the fact that there are several heavy handed hints that ‘7 Things’ was in fact about Nick Jonas. Secrecy is great but you know what’s better? Dropping not-subtle-at-all-really-quite-explicit ‘hints’ about the identity of the ex who we’re love-hating on.
Obviously Nick’s hair…

Nick’s diabetes tag thingo..

The mystery lives on…in no way tbh.
6. “You’re taking seven steps heeeere.”
Miley, are you referencing the 12 step program designed to help addicts on the path to recovery? Because if so, then NICE, that is a damn solid analogy to employ to describe the process of healing.
So literary, much metaphor.

7. The track is cathartic as fuck.
This song has always been impeccable to cry to! That kind of frustrated sad/angry/incredulous cry, that only happens when you’re trying to get over someone.
Cry songs are v important, and ‘7 Things’ unlocks the motherload of feels.

Singing/shouting along to the chorus through tears is incredibly cleansing, ammirite?

Give it a red hot go if you don’t believe me.
8. Also you could mosh to this song.
I could mosh about to 7 things I hate about you
— lily (@p0rcelainlily) March 11, 2018
9. This whole damn music video.
I mean just LOOK at this masterpiece.
10. The 7 things I like about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who saw this final chorus coming!? It was the perfect twist to the perfect track. What could express the emotional torment of the experience better than pivoting to the prevailing reasons why, in spite of everything, we’re still kinda into this person/ex/Nick Jonas.
The emotional torment is too real. Look at that delirious smile.

When Miley turns the beat around and announces that while she doesn’t have time to share the ‘great’ things, because girl has got places to be, ya know, she’s just gonna list these 7 likeable things. And you know what, it’s fucking gr8.
Five stars for this eternal banger.