10 Things You Absolutely Lost Your Shit Over In Primary School
Looking back, primary school was maybe the best days of our existence thus far.
I mean, what’s there to complain about? Packed lunches on the daily, potato smiles hot and ready for the buying, handball courts galore — the good ol’ days.
So while we’re fondly reminiscing, we’ve compiled a list of 10 iconic primary school moments that made everyone collectively lose their shit.
Join us as we take a little trip down nostalgia lane.

#1 Bird In The Classroom
I’m sorry, but still to this day I refuse to concentrate or complete work in any capacity when there is a live bird flying aimlessly above me. Will it shit on someone? Hopefully.

#2 Free Shit At The Canteen
A looming long-weekend wasn’t just a three-day weekend. It was also time for heavily discounted or free canteen food, baby! I don’t know about you, but a pizza rounda with tomato sauce tastes so much sweeter when it’s free.
Fuck me up with those free chicken fingers.

#3 The Healthy Harold Van
Mum and dad always told us not to talk to strangers in vans. But chuck a giraffe puppet on that stranger’s hand and the rule’s out the window!
Why does everyone have such fond memories of Healthy Harold? Time out of class? The chance to win a free slap ruler if you were the best listener? Hanging out in the back of a blacked-out van? I dunno man but whatever that magic algorithm was to get an entire school so pumped, I want some of that in my day-to-day life.

#4 The Swimming/Athletics Carnival
*chants* LET’S GO (insert sporting house name here) LET’S GO *clap* *clap*

#5 Dog On School Grounds
HELLO GOOD BOY. The only thing better than a dog on school grounds is a dog on school grounds who picks you out of a mob of kids to approach for a belly rub. Wow, what a blessed day.

#6 Mufti Day
The only way to show off your sick new Power Rangers shirt (or SpongeBob… in my case).

#7 School Social
If you didn’t try and hold hands with your Year 5 crush while ‘Absolutely Everybody’ by Vanessa Amorosi blasted from the hall’s speakers did you even go to primary school in Australia?

#8 When A Fight Broke Out
We, at team Punkee, don’t condone violence in any way. It’s just that primary school fights were all swing, no ding.
Like, 10 year olds just don’t know how to fight and that’s what makes it so iconic. Brendon was caught talking shit about Zac behind the bike sheds. Zac calls him out on his bullshit. They push each other, then someone cries — the end.

#9 Copping A Substitute Teacher
Getting a sub is perhaps the greatest gift of all. An entire day of pure fuckery. Blissful.
Did someone say cool math games?

#10 Getting To Leave Early When Your Sibling Had An Appointment
Leaving school early to go to the dentist is a win on its own, but when you get to leave early because of your brother or sister’s dumb appointment… well that is nothing shy of a miracle. Why can’t I pull stunts like this in the real world? SMH.

Which iconic primary school moment did we miss out? Hit us up in the comments, bb!